
IKEA Amusement Park??? IKEA遊樂園???

While I was picking a kid's chair from IKEA and took forever to decide which color to get, this father and daughter didn't get bored at all...They were having so much fun spinning together. Thank goodness that day IKEA was pretty slow, that way they didn't get too much of attention from others! I enjoyed watching them having fun and laughing so loud together. Charles says he learned this stuff from his Dad.



Jerin said...

Heheh - lucky the employees weren't looking either. That looks like a fun ride. I just need to hit the steroids a little more before I can pull that off. heh

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

Wow,that looks like a really fun ride for Virginia and a really good workout for Charles! :p

Amber(怡文) said...

Oh yeah......Charles and Ailing both need that!! Just maybe the wrong place??!!