
Let's dance and sing! 一起跳吧唱吧!

Virginia really enjoys singing and dancing! She always sings and dances. I might ask her someday if she wants to go on the show "America's got talent"! :D
藹伶真的超愛唱歌和跳舞! 總是隨處唱隨處跳! 我想有天我可能會問她會不會想上"America's got talent"這個才藝競賽的節目。 :D

Virginia is holding the flashlight pretending it's a microphone and sings. She even applauded for herself and said "good job" (in Chinese) to herself!

See how flexible she is! Before long she can learn dance from Cora!

This is the evidence about how actively Virginia moves around and seldom stops. Even though we were sitting quietly watching the Republican Convention, she could still entertain herself with her least favorite thing....the potty.


Anonymous said...

謝謝妳抽空放這些影片上來,讓我們在遙遠的"內不拉斯加" 也能看得到藹伶可愛的畫面。我想如果妳們不幫妳報名Talent Show 的話就真的是太可惜了哦!

Amber(怡文) said...


Jerin said...

Oh, I never left a comment on this one. It's fun to watch Ailing entertain herself (and all of us) at home. I can imagine if Taisei were to be there with her, it would be double the trouble very quickly. :) It's so fun to watch our young ones play!