
Amber's latest... 怡文近期所忙之事

Lately, besides being a full-time mom taking care of my sweet girl and doing never-ending house work, I also finished translating a portion of a site from English to Chinese for Cascade Refining, Inc., translating some articles in Mormomwiki, and have been working on translating the English site "www.christ.org" into Chinese site "www.yesu-jidu.org". Those gospel-related sites plus many other sites or blogs are the fruits of the effort of "More Good Foundation". It's a non-proft organization whose purpose is to provide places where church members can share their testimonies online and also offer positive information about the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church to anyone who may be interested. I found myself enjoying doing the translation so much, and have learned so much along the way. Although there are yet a lot I can and need to improve.

Last week I also began to babysit Ian once or twice a week. The reason I took this challenge not only because it can give us a little some extra income but also that Virginia can have another friend to play with and learn different things together. My wish is that I can take care of Ian the way I would like a person to treat my daughter when I need to be away from her for a longer time. I take them outside to play, see home made pictures, Chinese character Powerpoint flash cards, let them play the toys together, paint, listen to the music and watch their favorite shows. There are still much more we can do together and I am looking forward to it. A full day went really quick actually. Hope Ian will enjoy more and more being with me and Virginia.

最近除了全職地照顧藹伶和忙於永無止盡的家事外,我完成了翻譯Cascade精鍊公司網站的部份內容,也翻譯了數篇摩爾門維基百科裡的文章,目前則努力地將英文網站Jesus.Christ.org翻成中文的yesu-jidu.org。這幾個福音相關的網站都是在More Good Foundation這非營利組織的努力下的成果,該組織的宗旨主要是提供教友們線上分享見證的園地,並對任何對耶穌基督的福音和教會感興趣的人們提供正面積極的資訊,這同時亦響應了羅素‧培勒長老鼓勵教友們利用網路資源分享見證、提供教會相關資訊的呼籲。Yesu-jidu.org主要是提供有關耶穌、聖經歷史等方面的資訊,歡迎說中文的朋友們能夠前來流覽,若有看到錯別字或可以改進的地方,一定要跟我說喔!我真的很喜歡翻譯,特別是能夠從中學到很多,當然我也深知還有很多需要加強改進的地方!



Anonymous said...

Amber 好厲害哦!我一直都很崇拜會翻譯的人,有些字我翻出來感覺就是怪怪的,不太像原本的意思了, 所以我先生常常會聽到我說一些怪怪的中翻英,呵呵!

Hsiu-Ting said...


Amber(怡文) said...

Hsiu-ting 謝謝妳還來分享..之前的link..真的很糟.看不下去..找個空檔..我要好好來欣賞..謝謝喔!!

Carey Johnson said...

Amber!! Oh I am so excited you have a blog and that you found mine!! I have been wondering how you are and it looks like you are doing well. Your little girl is absolutely adorable!. I bet you are the sweetest mommy. I am so glad you have a blog. Now I can keep in contact with you and watch your cute family. Lots of love, Carey.

Amber(怡文) said...

I'm really excited to be able to keep in touch with you. Now I get to see your teaching and nourishing your little one, that really reminds me of the time you trains and teaches me as my trainer. From personal experience, I know you are an awesome mom just like everything else you do.

Carey Johnson said...

I learned so much from you. Probably much more than I was able to help you learn. You are such a bright, sweet person. Keep in touch.