
Beautiful Sound 美妙聲響

We never thought the sound of it's dripping into a potty would ever sound so beautiful and pleasant......Now, we are so happy to hear it every day!


Virginia made perfect timing and gave me the birthday present of my dreams.. :) I was so hesitate to declare that she was potty-trained. After a month of Virginia thinking she had it down and then maybe not, now I in a way want to shout to the world that Virginia finally knows how to go to the potty by herself! Since she began to say peepee and poopoo when she was about one and half years old, we thought it was the time to potty train her. It didn't come as easily as we would like, but hey she is the important one. I was often wondering when would be the day that I could stop washing "super stinky dirty" underwear, would that day ever come?

As parents every time we see Virginia's reaction after going to the potty by herself and seeing her face light up with excitement, it makes us feel so happy and proud of her. I don't think we ever thought before having a child something like this would be such a great experience in the journey of life. Oh, and we have learned be better let her flush the toilet herself, that is her reward to herself :) ..she loves that.

Now she doesn't need to wear diapers at home or even when she sleeps. I still let her wear pull-ups though when we take her out just for peace of mind. We soon realized whenever she wears a pull-up, she feels secure too, so she doesn't care about going to potty or a toilet. Now we need to get her to tell us whenever she needs to go when we are outside, soon enough, no more pull-ups :) Something as simple, yet tough as potty training can be a memorable part of life.

藹伶趕在我生日前給了我這近一年來夢寐以求的禮物! 差不多一個多月前藹伶便開始會自己跑小尿盆,雖然常常來不及,但已經較前幾個月有很大的進步了! 在訓練的過程中,漸漸發現藹伶只有在穿著一般的小內褲子才會提高警覺, 於是在家裡便給她穿小內褲, 苦的當然是我這個做媽的, 兩天下來徒手洗十幾條超臭褲褲並不為過, 常常強忍著臭味遙想著藹伶可以自行上廁所的美好日子。


每每看著藹伶獨立大小便後流露出欣喜驕傲的神情,我們都為她感到好開心並為她拍手叫好,不過我們得提醒自己不可一時手快幫她沖馬桶,不然她會很不高興,因為那是她獎勵自己的殊榮,是不容他人剝奪的! :) 藹伶在沖馬桶時,還會輕聲細語地對著馬桶揮手說"尿尿拜拜",好可愛!!

10/25/08 Virginia went to the potty all by herslef for the 1st time!


Carey Johnson said...

Hurray!!! That is a big step in a childs life. I have a nephew almost 3 years old and he is still learning. What a grown up little lady. You guys are doing a great job with her. I bet you are such a gentle and encouraging mom. Good work.

Anonymous said...


Janette Chiu said...

YA~!藹伶好棒喔!那真的是令人驕傲的感動一刻!怡文好棒,幫她忠實地紀錄下來了~ :)

Anonymous said...

