
Happy Mother's Day 母親節快樂

If there is any fitting time to restart our family journal/website, Mother's Day is surely a good one! It has been quite a few months. We want to wish you Mom a very Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all you do! Although Virginia was a bit camera shy (is there such a thing???) she wishes you a wonderful Mother's Day too. We hope you have enjoyed your day!

Little known useless fact #2545: The founder of Mother's Day was from West Virginia. See...there is some good that comes from these special neighbors just to the west of us. :) (no offense)

在母親節重新開始我們家庭的紀錄想必是非常適合的時間! 我們在此要祝我們的母親們母親節快樂! 謝謝你們為我們所作的一切! 雖然藹伶有點排斥鏡頭,但她亦祝您們母親節快樂。 希望你們有個快樂的一天。我們愛您!


Carey Johnson said...

Hurray! You are back! Are you still in China or are you back in the US? Hope all is well and please blog more about your adventures. Carey

Jerin said...

Cool - videos of China! Hm... the swing sets look pretty much the same.

Hey - Happy mother's day back! Woah, Amber's hair got long. That makes it really seem like it's been a long time. Charles, your hair looks the same. haha It's good to see you guys!

Margaret said...

VA (Virginia) is SO ke ai! You two are also a cute couple! I'm so glad I got to see you when you came to visit, Amber! I hope you are having fun! :)

Happy belated Mother's Day! :)