Prior to this past trip to Taiwan, whenever I asked Virginia where "a gong" and "a ma" (means grandpa and grandma in Taiwanese) were, she would always point to the computer since that's where we could use 'Skype' to talk to them and see them. We were a bit hesitant if Virginia and I should go back to Taiwan. After all it isn't cheap! Because of Charles' encouragement and help, plus my desire to be with my parents and have Virginia to be with them, I decided to take Virginia home regardless.
"Family, isn't it about time" is my favorite quote in the TV commercials put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It indicates two important meanings: We should do our best to spend time with our own family and having a good family is all about the time you put into it. While I was struggling whether to go or not, Charles told me it is worth the money to be able to spend some time with family. That really got to me, and I was really grateful for his support.
This trip was all about being with the family, even if we just stayed home and did nothing but be together or simply watch TV together, I felt so good. It also was so great to see grandpa and grandma's smile when they were with Virginia.
After we came back to the States, Virginia really knew who "a gong" and "a ma" were and didn't point to the computer when we asked where were grandpa and grandma were, instead, she replied they were in Taiwan. (Of course, I taught her how to say Taiwan. : ) )
這次回台灣之前,每次我問藹伶阿公阿媽在哪裡,她都會指著電腦示意他們在電腦裡,因為我們總是透過電腦用Skype和他們講話和視訊, 藹伶那時大概真以為阿公阿媽住在電腦裡吧! 這次決定回去前,挺掙扎的,畢竟現在機票不便宜,但在慕義的鼓勵和協助下,再加上自己真的很渴望能見到爸媽並讓藹伶有機會與他們相處,最後便決定排除萬難回去了。”Family, isn't it about time"是我最喜歡的一句教會廣告的台詞,有著雙關的意思:其一是「該是時候與家人在一起了」,其二是「促成美好的家庭的關鍵莫過於你所投入的時間」。當我還在猶疑究竟要不要回台,慕義告訴我能夠與家人在一起花那些錢真的是很值得的,當時聽到這句話時有股一語驚醒夢中人的感動,而我由衷地感謝慕義的支持。
Good riddance, 2020
3 years ago
I'm sure your grandparents were very happy that you made that decision. I completely agree with you and Charles. I've been doing everything I can to ensure that Taisei stays close to all of his family, especially his grandparents. It can be hard sometimes to have no family close by, huh?
I totally agree with you! That's also one of the reasons why we decided to move back to Taiwan last year instead of waiting for another 2 or 3 years to do it...there's nothing more important than being with your family and spending time with them. : )
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